
I have lectured  and run courses on different levels within the field of Interface Design, Interaction Design, User Experience Design, Service Design, Information Architecture,  System Design, Strategic Design and Design Methodology since I started working within the field in 1985. Since 1998 i have researched within the field of  Tangible Interaction Design and health improving technology. Therefore I have later also lectured and run courses in E-textile, Sensorial Interaction Design, Musical Interaction, Embodied Interaction, Cross-media design, Design for Diversity (Universal Design) and design of health improving technology.


Sensory Stimulation and Movement (2019)
part of Master Course in Physiotherapy at
Oslo Metropolitan University (Oslo Met) , Norway

Sensorial Interaction and E-textile (2019)
part of Master Course in Tangible Interaction Design at
NTNU, Gjøvik , Norway

Health Promoting TechnologyInvite and Inspire to Dance (2019)
Oslo School of Architecture and Design
with Fredrik Olofsson in collaboration with HelseDans,  Dans i Skolen og Danseterapi USN, Norway

Health Promoting Technology Inspire to Move (2018)
Master Course in Tangible Interaction at
Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) with Fredrik Olofsson in collaboration with Physiotherapy at Oslo Met, Paulus Care Home, Norway

Vitalising Welfare Technology (2017)
– a new paradigm in health technology for
The Norwegian Directorate of eHealth, Oslo, Norway

Smart Textile in Vitalising Welfare Technology (2016)
for ArchInTex at Borås School of Textile, Sweden

Interactive Sensorial Textile Experiences (2016)
Lecture and Workshop
for Digital Design at National Academy of the Arts (KHIO), Norway

Vitalizing Welfare Technology (2015)
Master Course in Tangible Interaction at
Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO), Norway

Health Improving Technology (2015)
Art and Design perspective on Welfare Technology,
Lecture and Workshop
for Master in Welfare Technology at HIOA (Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences), Norway

From ORFI to Polly World (2015)
4 Generations of Trans-disciplinary Collaboration in the RHYME
Project, Lecture about knowledge development through Research-by-design and Action-based methods  for Master in Product Design at HiOA (Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences), Norway

Vision for the Future of Music Technology for Music Therapy and Music and Health (2015),
Lecture at Nordic Music Therapy Conference

Healing Things at Home (2015)
Workshop in Designing Health Improving Technology
at Hong Kong Design Institute with Anders-Petter Andersson

Healing Things at Shopping Centres (2015)
Workshop in Designing Health Improving Technology
at Hong Kong Design Institute with Anders-Petter Andersson

Healing Things at Work (2015)
Workshop in Designing Health Improving Technology
at Hong Kong Design Institute with Anders-Petter Andersson

Sensorial and Musical Interaction (2012)
Workshop in Designing Sensorial and Musical Tangibles
at Institute of Design at AHO (Tangible Interaction) with Fredrik Olofsson and Anders-Petter Andersson

Musical interaction and e-textile (2011)
Workshop in Designing Sensorial and Musical Tangibles
at The Textile Dep. at National Academy of the Arts and Institute of Design at AHO (Tangible Interaction) with Hege Brattsberg, Fredrik Olofsson and Anders-Petter Andersson

E-textile (2010)
Workshop in E-textile at The Textile Dep. at National Academy of the Arts and Institute of Design at AHO (Tangible Interaction) with Hege Brattsberg, Fredrik Olofsson and Anders-Petter Andersson

Service Design  (2009)
Half Year Studio Course  at Institute of Design at AHO with Norwegian Buiseness School with Birgit Jevnaker and Simon Clathworthy

Tangible Interaction  (2008)
Half Year Studio Course  at Institute of Design at AHO  with  Mosse Sjaastad

Service Design  (2008)
Half Year Studio Course  at Institute of Design at AHO  with  Simon Clathworthy

to be updated…


to be updated…


co-creation, design and research…